Call or visit




Lilac House

4 Sandhurst Road


Northern Ireland


Telephone us: 028 9591 8051

Emails us:



General Contact Form

If you would like to find out more information about Autonomie or would like someone to get in contact with you, fill in this quick contact form.

Media enquiries

For press enquiries, case studies or to request an interview with a spokesperson from Autonomie, please contact the press office.

Press contacts

Lynne Morrison, Autonomie Chief Officer

Tel: 028 9591 8051


Media enquiries and spokespeople

Autonomie provides practical support for young people with disabilities and allied additional needs

Our Press Office welcomes any enquiries from the media covering issues surrounding young people living with a disability . Do give us a call and our press team will do their very best to provide a suitable spokesperson, quote, statement or family case study.


For general enquiries

For any other enquiries, please email us at:

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